

Refunds may be issued to students if sufficient funds exist to create credit balances and in accordance with the University withdrawal policy.  Withdrawal from the University.  Refunds may be issued via direct deposit or by returning funds paid with a credit card back to the credit card.  No refunds will be issued for convenience fees related to credit card payments.

Refunds typically begin to process no sooner than 6 business days before the start of classes.  It can take 3-5 business days for a refund to post to an account when sent via direct deposit and up to 10 days for one to reach you if mailed.  Refunds may be delayed if you have not set up a direct deposit account or in cases where a residency change has been processed.

Direct Deposit

Students should set up direct deposit accounts within their student account profile to receive any refunds of credit balances.  Refunds may also be processed to credit cards used to pay on the account as explained below.  Students may direct their funds via direct deposit to the account of their choice by logging into their student account and providing their direct deposit information.

To protect their data, it is recommended that students not share their unique log in information with anyone.  Students can protect their account information and still grant access to other individuals by creating authorized user accounts.

Credit Balances Involving Credit Card Payments

A credit balance may be refunded back to the credit card(s) used to pay on the account if the credit balance is less than or equal to the credit card payment(s) made.  If the credit balance is more than the credit card payment(s), a refund will be processed to the direct deposit account provided by the student in their Refund profile.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 205-348-5350.