All requests for new student fees or changes to existing student fees must be submitted for review and approval by December 31st of each year for the Fall of the following academic year. For example, a fee for the 2022/2023 academic year would have to be submitted by Dec. 31, 2021.

The approval process includes:

  • a review by Student Account Services for regulatory compliance,
  • approval by the Department Head and College Dean,
  • approval by the Provost, and
  • submission to the Board of Trustees annually.

The appropriate department head or business manager should submit any  student related fees (including college, course, program, or other fees to be charged to students) for review and approval by December 31st of each year.

Justification establishing the need for the revenue or revenue change, referencing enrollment expectations and the estimated costs of needed supplies and equipment must be included in the request.

Student Account Services will review each request for compliance with applicable federal laws and requirements related to higher education.  Requests will be evaluated by the Provost, with review and guidance by the VP for Financial Affairs.  A consolidated recommendation will be provided for the President to review and approve, if deemed necessary.

  1. To submit a fee for review, please complete the appropriate fee submission form:
  2. The Course Fee Justification Template may be used as a guide to document your request.  It can be attached within the request form.
  3. You must also attach the UAS New Student Fees Request Form that will be provided to the UA System office once the fee is approved at the campus.

Applicable Federal Laws and Requirements:

Federal Register, Vol. 80, No. 210, Friday October 30,  2015